Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Healthy Thanksgiving That Does Not Suck!

Hello everyone and welcome back to Project Health! 
Where the hell have I been, you ask? And where the hell is that Vegan Pumpkin Spice Latte recipe? Well, the recipe is coming! I have been trying, trying, trying, to get together a nice little video for the VPSL (Vegan Pumpkin Spice Latte) grand release. With Thanksgiving madness this week... I'm thinking a little VPSL may be the treat everyone needs! 
As to where I have been and what's been going on.... well... let's just say, I have been reaching high and low to find myself! Through my lifestyle change journey, I kind of forgot to check in on myself and ask, "how are you doing?". My body and mind have been going through many changes during this journey and that can be a little frightening to someone that did not see it coming. I thought I would be able to walk into this lifestyle and breeze right along. It's really never that simple. Let's just say my mind had a freak out.
BUT on the plus side, I have found myself and found my focus. So let's do this! 

Yes, it can be done. Many people "cheat" on holidays like Thanksgiving and Christmas because they wonder, "what will I eat?". It can be done, folks. Health is just right around the corner and sitting on your Thanksgiving plate. 
I'm not going to lie... I was kind of wondering the same thing-- then I turned to my resources.... better known as Youtube. 

Fully Raw Kristina from Youtube has posted a wonderful video with Thanksgiving ideas that are healthy, vegan and or course.... easy to make. Kristina is a Raw Vegan, so her recipes mirror her lifestyle. Naturally, she is fabulous and I love her energy. 

I also really enjoy watching Sarah Fit's videos on Youtube. She is not vegan but does often post vegan topic videos. Like, Fully Raw Kristina, Sarah Fit has posted a Thanksgiving tips video on how to have a healthy Thanksgiving that doesn't suck (really, it's in the title!!)

I hope you guys have found these videos helpful in some small way. 
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving and a safe Black Friday. 
Let the eating and shopping begin! 

Thank you everyone for reading! 

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